Evaluation and Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Evaluation and Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction

Evaluation and Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction
Evaluation and Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction

The dysfunctions that are included in sexual dysfunction would be arousal, desire, orgasmic, and sex pain disorder (dyspareunia and vaginismus). Physicians of primary care take lead on a pro active role  in diagnosis and treatment of these disorders. Minor ailments, long term medical diseases, medications and psychosocial difficulties, and that includes sexual abuse or sexual trauma, are also considered factors. Gynecologic maladies and cancers such as breast cancer are also sources of female sexual dysfunction. Education for patients and reassurance having an early diagnosis, will help intervene a more effective treatment. They should be able to assess also in regards to patient history and physical examinations are one of the techniques that can help. This will indicate if a females body is alert with sexual responses and the factors that contribute to this responses, that will lead to application of medical and gynecologic treatment to such sexual dysfunction to be discussed. The basic treatments and schemes that is possibly successful that is provided by most important care physicians for most of the sexual dysfunctions, are outlined. These reservations are best for those who does not respond to therapy.

Sexuality is a complex function that requires and is coordinated with neurogic, vascular and endocrine systems. Sexuality is incorporated with family, individuality, societal and even religious beliefs. This can be altered through aging, health status and other personal experiences. This may also include personal relationships, and having different attitudes towards sex, needs of it, responses in the intercourse and so on. Any breakdown in these aspects may lead to sexual dysfunction.

Primary care physicians are physicians that aid in the treatment of medical and psycologic disorders, they often feel that they are un qualified to treat patients that have sexual dysfunctions. Having the understanding of sexual dysfunction and knowing the general medical and gynecological treatments to sex issues, these physicians may have an effective approach by just using the same skill. The latter would include having the complete patient history, leading a physical examination, application of the basic strategies of treatment, providing education for patients and reassurance and recommending the most appropriate referrals.

Female sexual dysfunction can be divided into four which are desire, arousal, orgasimic and sexual pain disorders. Dyspareunia and vaginismus are part of sexual disorders. The discrepancies in these researches serve the need for physician education in this aspect.

The diagnosis requires the physician to obtain a detailed patient history that describes the dysfunction itself, identifies reasons on why the dysfunction was formed. This may include pre appointment questionnaires.

To know of the patients sexual orientation is needed to determine the cause of sexual dysfunction and appropriate evaluation and with direction questions help solve this right away. Gender identity can actually be a big factor that causes the dysfunction itself. 
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