Hair Loss In Women: The Best Remedies And Effective Treatments

Hair Loss In Women: The Best Remedies And Effective Treatments
Hair Loss In Women: The Best Remedies And Effective Treatments

Hair loss or alopecia can be difficult for women who suffer from it. Experts give us the best treatments, remedies and tips to keep hair healthy and silky. They also explain the main causes of hair loss in women.

1. Hair transplantation or hair transplantation: an effective treatment to counteract female alopecia

Hair transplantation is a technique that aims to collect hair and re-establish it in a more open area. Hair transplants are successful in women who have lost their hair. "They are particularly effective," says Dr. Wexler.

Surgeons previously transplanted entire strips of scalp, but individual transplantation of hair follicles from the back of the scalp gives better results. Because the back of the head is more resistant to hair loss, there is usually more hair. "It's tedious and expensive, but this approach represents the potential for good results for women," says Dr. Wexler. Follicular transplants are performed by skilled surgeons in hair transplantation; some are dermatologists.

2. Try the Minoxidil

A first treatment option is Minoxidil. It is a liquid to apply on the scalp that slows the loss, even accelerates the regrowth of a part of the hair and is sometimes effective in alopecia areata. There are topical or herbal remedies for men and women. They contain natural extracts of fenugreek or saw palmetto seeds, but there is no certainty as to their effectiveness.

"Minoxidil is a vasodilator medication that lowers blood pressure and can also slow hair loss and even promote regrowth," says Nick Dimakos. Dr. Robert Jones, who has recommended this treatment to many of his patients, says it is effective in most cases. But before considering taking Minoxidil, you should consult a doctor.

3. Prescription Drugs to Counter Hair Loss

If the diagnosis is the alopecia areata, it is usually treated with corticosteroid creams or injections into the scalp, more effective if it is done early. Several drugs with hormonal effects (birth control pills) help prevent female alopecia, since this hair loss is linked to testosterone, and oral contraceptives block testosterone. But these oral medications have an increased risk of side effects compared to topical treatments. Discuss with your doctor.

Topical steroids for alopecia areata hair loss and other autoimmune cases may be recommended, but these treatments will not work for alopecia of genetic origin. In the case of chronic telogen effluvium, alopecia is usually short-term, sometimes accompanied by exacerbations, says Dr. Durosier. "You can see a temporary improvement with a short course of topical steroids," he says.

4. Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment (PRP)

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment has a different approach. It stimulates regrowth rather than fighting alopecia. "In this treatment, the patient's own blood and growth factors are used to stimulate hair growth," says Dr. Donovan. The blood is collected and centrifuged to isolate the plasma that is reinjected into the scalp to stimulate regrowth.

5. Low intensity laser treatment

Other non-surgical treatments include low-intensity laser treatment. The laser is used to stimulate the blood supply to the scalp and cause regrowth from the hair follicles.

Anti-androgenic or hormone-blocking pills, or even oral contraceptives, can help slow or even stop alopecia. All of these treatments block testosterone that can cause hair loss in some women whose hair is sensitive to androgens.

6. Make up your scalp

Products such as Surethik Hair Building Fibers give the impression of a well-stocked hair. It makes it possible to make up the areas touched by alopecia. "These are real hair to sprinkle on the head and attach to the scalp," says Nick Dimakos.

7. Extensions and wigs

"Now, hairpieces look natural, sometimes more than your hair," says Dr. Wexler. Hair extensions are lighter than hairpieces. Plus, they are a good option if you still have enough hair. Women can also supplement missing hair with thickening powder of hair fibers. This powder is available in some pharmacies, hair salons and online. Sprinkle the fibers on your scalp and they should stay in place until the next shampoo.

8. Scalp tattoo

Tattooing the scalp can be a more lasting solution. Disadvantages? Yes, there are risks, such as infection. In addition, the color of the tattoo changes with time.

9. Future treatments to better fight and control hair loss

New research is being done on prostaglandins, fat molecules that act as messengers. Although some prostaglandins are known to promote hair regrowth, others may inhibit it. This research could lead to new topical treatments that would restore hair regrowth.

10. How to better prevent and control hair loss in women

There are also preventive measures to stop alopecia. Dr. Nick Dimakos recommends consulting your doctor first to see if there is a thyroid imbalance. A quick diagnosis can better prevent and control hair loss.

Add volume

And what to do while waiting to find a lasting solution? Use products that increase the volume of your hair. "Volumizing shampoos can temporarily increase the size of the hair. This improves the overall appearance of the hair in women, "says dermatologist Jeff Donovan. Apply these easy tips to give volume to your hair.

Capillary densification serum

Apply this serum every night to rebalance the capillary cycle. You will wake the follicles at rest so that more hair is in their growth stage.

Night care for hair

Do you use night creams to regenerate and soothe the skin of your face while you sleep? Try the night mask for hair that will provide the scalp with comparable care. Its antioxidant formula reduces hair damage caused by free radicals. In addition, it creates an environment conducive to hair growth.

Anti-fall regenerative serum

Use a regenerative treatment that works with the adenosine triphosphate molecule. This molecule is known to triple the duration of the hair's life cycle. It improves the rooting of hair and the survival of hair bulbs: it therefore reduces the risk of falling.

To avoid

Women with alopecia should avoid the use of gels, dyes and hair extensions. Vitamin B12 and iron supplements are also to be avoided. Ponytails and braids can also accelerate hair loss. It is better to leave these hairstyles aside, says Robert Jones. According to him, the extensions weaken the scalp and can cause hair loss.

11. Woman's hair loss: when should we be worried?

L’Association canadienne de dermatologie (ACD) estime que l’on perd chaque jour à peu près 100 de nos 100 000 cheveux tout en précisant que c’est une action tout à fait normale et que la plupart repoussent. C’est que nos follicules connaissent des cycles continus de croissance, de repos et d’élimination.

What can become worrying is the appearance of bare patches or enlargement of your line. "It is estimated that 30% of women over age 40 and 45% of menopausal women suffer from alopecia," says Dr. Vincent Durosier, medical director of Ducray Dermatological Laboratories in Toulouse, France. Our hair grows about 3 cm per month. But Dr. Durosier says it's not an ongoing process, which means that the 100,000 hair follicles we talked about do not grow at the same rate. Thus, each hair on our head will stay there for three to six years before falling. Find out below the main causes that can explain hair loss in women.

12. Main causes of hair loss in women: female alopecia and menopause

With age, some women lose more hair than normal. The most common reason after menopause is female alopecia. "Feminine" is a key word here, because this baldness differs from that of men. While men see their brow shedding, in women, hair loss comes as a lightening of the top of the skull or sides or an overall thinning that reveals the scalp.

According to Dr. Robert Jones of the Hair Transplant Center in Oakville, Ontario, hair loss (or alopecia) in women is largely attributable to genetics. He estimates that 80 to 90 percent of cases of baldness are related to family history. This situation can be caused by thyroid dysfunction, hormonal imbalance and side effects following medication such as antidepressants.

13. Stress and bad lifestyle

Nick Dimakos, founder of SureThik International, argues that stress is also a risk factor. Take a look at your lifestyle: having a balanced diet, learning how to handle stress and getting a good night's sleep can be all you need to stop hair loss.

Deficiencies of iron, zinc and silicon
Hair loss associated with nutritional deficiencies can often be controlled by improving your overall well-being. A clinical study in 2012 showed that Viviscal, a marine protein-based nutritional supplement, stimulates hair growth (without side effects) in women with temporary hair loss.

"When the body is stressed or deficient, it sees your hair as non-essential, so it stops feeding the hair follicles to support the vital organs," says Mark Holland, Viviscal's CEO in North America. Iron deficiency can also lead to thinning hair. Healthy eating is important. "People who are deficient in zinc or iron can suffer severe hair loss," he says. A normal person can lose 50 to 100 hairs a day while a person who suffers from iron or zinc deficiency will have a much greater loss. Like zinc, silicon is essential.

"Good dietary sources of silicon include cucumber, mango, green leafy vegetables, beans, celery, strawberries and asparagus," says Jenn Pike, a holistic nutritionist from Keswick, Ontario.

Also favor foods rich in zinc: "Pumpkin seeds, fresh oysters, Brazil nuts, organic eggs and pecans," she adds.

14. Alopecia Areata

Handles of hair fall for no reason. "It's thought to be an immune problem, but it's a complicated disease and the exact cause is not known," says Dr. Denise Wexler, a dermatologist from London, Ontario, and former president of the Association. Canadian Dermatology Institute. In alopecia areata, the body rejects the hair as invaders, although these can grow back without treatment in the year.

ALSO READ: Alopecia: causes and treatments of hair loss

15. Telogen Effluvium

A lot of hair goes into rest and dies. This condition is triggered by an event that taxes the body, such as high fever or extreme weight loss. You may not notice that much of your hair has stopped growing, but it follows obvious hair loss in the following weeks or months. "It's common for women who have given birth," says Dr. Wexler. By the time you see the loss, healthy hair has already begun to grow.

16. Hair style

Also known as traction alopecia, hair loss is often the result of tight braids or ponytails.

Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
A hormonal imbalance caused by a hypo or hyperactive thyroid gland can cause hair loss all over the head. But the hair should grow back after treatment of the thyroid disorder.

17. Pregnancy

Hair loss can be caused by hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or after delivery. Instead of having stripped areas of the head or a broadening of the line, you could lose whole strands of hair.

18. Health problem and drugs

Hair loss in women can also be a sign of an autoimmune condition, such as lupus or psoriasis. Do not miss these lupus symptoms to know. Some medications, skin infections and even lack of sleep contribute to hair loss. That's why it's important to consult a health care professional who will evaluate unexplained hair loss, especially if you notice systemic symptoms, such as weight changes or intestinal problems. Your doctor will do a "pull test" to see how much hair is falling easily, examine your scalp, take a biopsy of your hair or scalp, and check your blood glucose.

If you are worried about an unusual fall of your hair, talk to your doctor. Treatment of an underlying disease or deficiency may be enough to restore your hair's former glory. If you are already taking medication for a chronic illness, mention hair loss to your pharmacist or doctor. It can recognize the drug that causes excessive hair loss.
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